RUG#: SIL512 |
SIZE: 3X4 |
SHAPE: Rectangular |
COLOR: Pink |
DESIGN: Prayer |
ORIGIN: Iran | Quom Rug |
STYLE: Quom |
ACTUAL SIZE: 2'9'' X 3'9'' |
CONDITION: Excellent |
AGE: Brand New |
PILE: Kurk Wool |
KPSI: 161 |

"With an actual size of 2'9'' x 3'9'' this Quom style Persian Persian rug it's a representative item for this kind of decorative objects. Natural dyes are used all over, creating an authentic look. Wool, cotton and a 375 KPSI are also signs of authenticity. The pictorial design is nature inspired, displaying a big tree filled with flowers in the center, beautifully colored birds and deers. The borders are decorated with birds, animals and foliage motifs. The red background color of the pictorial is warm and vibrant. These features create a focus gaining effect, almost forcing the viewer to look and admire the details. This Persian rug is suitable for you if a warm atmosphere is what you are trying to achieve. #10901"
Quom Rugs
The rugs made in the region of Quom are generally made of silk, but also wool or cotton. They are especially known for being used in prayers by the Muslims. Throughout the rug image we see symbols of divinity, very important for the Muslims religion.